Infrared spectroscopy

Last updated: 09/02/2020
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  1. Current
  2. Review
  3. Answered
  1. What can infrared spectroscopy be used for?

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  2. What type of radiation is used for infrared spectroscopy?

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  3. What units are used during infrared spectroscopy?

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  4. At what wavenumber would a peak be found on an infrared spectrum to indicate a O-H bond in a carboxylic acid?

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  5. At what wavenumber would a peak be found on an infrared spectrum to indicate a O-H bond in an alcohol or phenol?

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  6. At what wavenumber would a peak be found on an infrared spectrum to indicate a N-H bond?

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  7. At what wavenumber would a peak be found on an infrared spectrum to indicate a hydrogen bonded in an alcohol or phenol within a compound?

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  8. At what wavenumber would a peak be found on an infrared spectrum to indicate an aldehyde, ketone, carboxylic acid or ester within a compound?

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  9. At what wavenumber would a peak be found on an infrared spectrum to indicate a hydrogen bonded in a carboxylic acid within a compound?

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  10. At what wavenumber would a peak be found on an infrared spectrum to indicate an alcohol or ester within a compound?

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  11. At what wavenumber would a peak be found on an infrared spectrum to indicate an alkene within a compound?

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  12. At what wavenumber would a peak be found on an infrared spectrum to indicate a primary amine within a compound?

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  13. At what wavenumber would a peak be found on an infrared spectrum to indicate a C-O bond?

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  14. At what wavenumber would a peak be found on an infrared spectrum to indicate a C=C bond?

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  15. Which type of bond is indicated by a peak on an infrared spectrum at 1000-1300 cm1^{-1}?

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  16. Which type of bond is indicated by a peak on an infrared spectrum at 1680-1750 cm1^{-1}?

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  17. Which type of bond is indicated by a peak on an infrared spectrum at 2500-3500 cm1^{-1}?

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  18. Which type of bond is indicated by a peak on an infrared spectrum at 3230-3550 cm1^{-1}?

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  19. Which type of bond is indicated by a peak on an infrared spectrum at 3100-3500 cm1^{-1}?

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  20. Which type of bond is indicated by a peak on an infrared spectrum at 1620-1680 cm1^{-1}?

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